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Wildfire Safety Tips

Get Involved - Contact the Whitehouse Posted 2-7-2018

US Power Outage Map by State - Posted January 15, 2024

National Minerals Information Center May 7, 2024

The Department of the Interior published a list of 35 mineral commodities considered critical to the economic and national security of the United States. This list will be the initial focus of a multi-agency strategy due in August this year to implement President Donald J. Trump's Executive Order to break America's dependence on foreign minerals.  Read the News Release....   (USGS news release)

"Sue and Settle" refers to when a federal agency agrees to a settlement agreement, in a lawsuit from special interest groups, to create priorities and rules outside of the normal rulemaking process. The agency intentionally relinquishes statutory discretion by committing to timelines and priorities that often realign agency duties. These settlement agreements are negotiated behind closed doors with no participation from the public or affected parties.


Federal Register - Special Filings Posted May 17, 2015

A Citizen's Guide to the NEPA - Having Your Voice Heard  (PDF)  Posted 4-24-2016  This guide is based on research and consultations undertaken by the Council on Environmental Quality concerning the need for a Citizen’s Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Participants in NEPA Regional Roundtables held in 2003-2004 clearly voiced the need for an guide that provides an explanation of NEPA, how it is implemented, and how people outside the Federal government — individual citizens, private sector applicants, members of organized groups, or representatives of Tribal, State, or local government agencies — can better participate in the assessment of environmental impacts conducted by Federal agencies.

WARNING:Inforrmation for Rockhounds on E15 Gasoline who use ATVs, Motorbikes to access Collecting Sites and possible damage to their engines.

WARNING: Removal and Disturbance of Cultural Artifacts and Properties from Public Lands are against Federal Law and Penalties ars Severe. ( Antiquities Act of 1906 and Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1969 )  This action is not in keepong with good Rockhounding and the AFMS Code of Ethics Watch this BLM Video on how not to act while Rockhounding!  Enjoy, but do not destroy your American heritage....


United States Ivory Rulings - IVORY and ROCKHOUNDS


For more information on other Desert Institute classes click

Understanding Sustainable Development

Wildfire Information

Wildfire Safety Tips

National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook for 2017  (PDF)    Added  May 2017

"Fire Information" (National Interagency Fire Center)
"The nation's support center for wildland firefighting." Eight different agencies and organizations are part of NIFC, including the BLM.

GeoMAC - Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination

NOAA - Fire Weather

Realtime Lightning Strikes

Lightining Strike Maps and Thunderstorms  (Interactive)

Drought Information

Do you live in a Flood Plain?  Check here at this FEMA Website  3-3-2016

U.S. Drought Portal

More links of interest