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Nevada State Legislation - Active Bills in the State Legislature  (New 2023)

Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology   May 7, 2024

NV Wilderness Areas    New 11-17-2020

As of January 6, 2023 - No legislation affecting Recreational Rockhounding has been reported.

Gold Butte National Monument Created December 28, 2016   (No Rockhounding Allowed)

Nevada State Legislature  -  Bill Information


BLM Nevada State Director’s Priorities - Posted 11-5-2021

Nevada BLM  -  New Website  Posted 4-14-2017

Nevada BLM Contacts New Website  Posted 4-14-2017

Nevada Lands Council

Basin and Range National Monument Exective Order   July 11, 2015

FACT SHEET:President Obama Designates New National Monuments  July 10, 2015

Nevadans must have a seat at the table............Congressman Mark Amodei
A significant issue for Nevadans, which dovetails with economic growth, is public land management. I believe that it is possible to leverage our natural resources in an economically and environmentally responsible way. Read More

Download Nevada Geospatial Data    

Hage Forage Right Trial Ends - "Sagebrush Rebelion" may be over!


Records of Decision: Nevada and California Greater Sage-Grouse Bi-State Distinct Population Segment Land Use Plan Amendment   (PDF)  May 26, 2016

Read Latest on Nevada Sage-grouse and Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2) Press Release

"Governor creates new Sage Grouse Advisory Committee" (Reno Gazette-Journal, 4/12/12)
"Apparently responding to U.S. Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval ... issued an executive order creating a new nine-member Greater Sage Grouse Advisory Committee to provide recommendations no later than July 31 of this year in an effort to prevent a federal Endangered Species Act listing which could 'have significant adverse effects' on Nevada's 'custom, culture and economy'."

BLM Nevada and USFS Greater Sage-Grouse Preliminary Habitat Map                                              

Click on Map for Larger Map

BLM Nevada and USFS Surface Management Greater Sage-Grouse Population Management Unit Map     

Click on Map for Larger Map                           

Nevada Department of Wildlife Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Categorization Map

BLM - Nevada's Greater Sage grouse  12-14-2012

More on the Greater Sage grouse

FS Requests Public Input Regarding Review of Austin and Tonopah Travel Mgmt Plans

Travel Management regulations provide for revision of designated roads, as needed.  As the Austin and Tonopah Travel Management Plan has been implemented,  District staff have received comments from the public that there are roads that were overlooked, roads that may not be passable to the vehicle class identified, and roads and trails that may need different designations.  Between now and November of 2012, Austin and Tonopah District staff are requesting public comments and participation to identify where changes may be needed to the overall Forest Transportation System.

Over the next eight months, District staff will be available by appointment to review the maps and talk about specific concerns. The Austin Office is located at 100 Midas Canyon Road, in Austin, Nevada, and the Tonopah Office is located at 1400 S. Erie Main Street, in Tonopah, Nevada.

The Austin Office telephone number is 775-964-2671.  The Tonopah Office telephone number is 775-482-6286.

All interested parties are encouraged to review the Austin and Tonopah Ranger Districts' Motor Vehicle Use Maps, which are available at the District Offices or on the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest web site at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/htnf/home/?cid=stelprdb5246242

Learn more about this release by talking with Steven Williams, Austin and Tonopah District Ranger, at 775-964-2671.

Nevada Solar Energy Zones - "NEW"

Nevada State Symbols