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  • Sunstone Collection Area    BLM Released 2-29-2024
  • Point of Interest: Sunstones are feldspar crystals that formed in lava. Thirteen to fourteen million years ago, a volcano in Steens Mountain erupted, pouring out massive amounts of lava. The lava flow was subsequently covered by a vast lake and remained underwater for thousands of years. As the lake gradually dried up, the exposure to weather caused the lava to decompose and reveal loose sunstones.
  • Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries   May 7, 2024

Original monument is approximately 65,000 acres in southwestern Oregon...
Managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)...
Expansion is approximately 42,000 acres in Oregon and 5,000 acres over the
border in California...

Just a Note:  If the expansion of the monument goes through and the 43,000 acres in Oregon and the 5000 acres in California contain ANY COLLECTING SITES, Collecting  of Rocks, Minerals, Gems, Petrified Wood and Fossils will no longer be allowed and against Federal Law.  There is no removal allowed of any Natural Resources from any land with-in the Monument Boundaries.  To Keep Recreational Rockhounding in the monument the legislature will need to act on the expansion.  Contact your Legislators.

The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument is situated at the crossroads of the Cascade, Klamath, and Siskiyou mountain ranges and there is a new proposal to expand the Monument.  The expansion will close all Recreational Rockhounding and collecting areas within the proposed area and the entire Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.  The BLM is looking for Public Comment and the Deadline for submitting comments is August 8, 2023.  The Clock is Ticking Rockhounds.Below are links to BLM sites and other information.  Check it out:

Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument - BLM

Bureau of Land Management seeks comment on Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument Management Plan

Fact Sheet and Q&A - Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument Expansion (PDF)

Written comments may also be submitted through the following methods:

The public can submit written comments concerning the scope of the analysis, potential alternatives, identification of relevant information and studies, and nomination of areas of critical environmental concern. Comments must be received by August 8 or 15 days after the last public meeting, whichever is later.

More Information of the Expansion of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument:


OR Wilderness Areas (Click to get Access) NEW 10-26-2020

Oregon Discovery ~ Recreational Rockhounding Map - Free and Fee Sites

Oregon State Legislation - Active bills in the State Legislature  (New 2023)

Learn About Public Land Access Issues in Oregon

Oregon / Washington BLM  -  New Website  Posted 4-14-2017

Oregon / Washington BLM Contacts  -  New Website  Posted 4-14-2017

US Forest Service - Oregon Issues

SAY NO TO COOPERATION - MOU ties hands of local agencies!

Weyerhaeuser Lease Land Access and contact information policy for Oregon Lands

An Excerpt from  the June 2014 FACETS Columbia – Willamette Faceter’s Guild - Forest Access For All  by John George June 2014

Letter to the Editor - Designated Routes = Closed Forest- John George May 2014

Oregon Senator Bates (Ashland-Medford District) and others have submitted three anti-mining bills to the Oregon legislature. If these destructive bills are passed into law, it will put a complete end to suction dredge and all other forms of motorized gold mining in the entire State of Oregon!  Read More....

A Voice In The Wilderness- One man's struggle to keep Public Lands Open by John D. George - March 20, 2013

Rule change allows certain department officials and peace officers the authority to order rule violators to leave or to exclude them from the ocean shore area for a period of time; establishes an appeal process for exclusions; requires domestic animal handlers to maintain control and be responsible for animal behavior; establishes specific standards for natural product removal for personal use; prohibits seasonal collection and prospecting in Western Snowy Plover areas; prohibits altering the natural environment or disturbing natural resources; prohibits or regulates certain activities to ensure safety, preservation and access for all; clarifies rules for items of value found on the ocean shore; etc.

USFS Travel Plan: ‘Stealing’ Public Access - US Observer

Process for Wallowa-Whitman National Forest leaves local residents feeling shut out- Read the Editorial

Forest Service’s new Travel Management Plans restrict driving in national forests

Oregon State Symbols